Apparently, my bathroom is the new happenin' place for cockroaches to chill. Prior to this, I didn't think I had any feelings whatsoever about cockroaches. If I saw them in the basement or the kitchen I would kill them and go on with whatever else I was doing. Now I have discovered that I hate cockroaches, specifically the ones in my bathroom, especially when I have bare feet. I chased one around yesterday for five minutes before he came out of the corner enough that I could smash him. I killed his wives later as they were hunting for his dead corpse. Do not grieve, I buried them together.
Also yesterday, I finished Phantom of the Opera (which is an excellent book that someone should make into a movie), went to TGIF for dinner, played ping pong, and picked up Adam from the airport. Oh yeah, and I used up all the battery in my CD player...but Mr. Bell gave me another one. Close call, eh.
Spero meliora.
Spero meliora.