Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Two skirts was the order of the day.  I came down to breakfast with one and went right back up after breakfast for another one.  It was that cold.  In the building.  It didn't seem as cold outside when Mr. Bell and I went to Sam's later in the afternoon.  We needed to get me a credit card so I won't be having to carry a wad of cash when I go get supplies.  So I will have a credit card in 7-10 business days.

Real gold fears no fire.

1 comment:

  1. I like my house. It is warm. I am sad for you being cold. It snowed 4". The news said 'two inches, and it'll be clear by early afternoon' It snowed three inches, and at 12:30 it was still snowing, and I was yelling at the computer news websites and calling them heretics, false prophets, posers, etc. And I said that since they were wrong once, there was no reason to trust anything else they said. Anyway, hope it gets warmer there.

