Thursday, March 01, 2007

 The best way to get acquainted with the lay of the land is to traverse it.  You could do this by taking a leisurely drive on a Sunday afternoon...or you could attempt to reach a destination you've only been to once and are unsure of its location, take a wrong turn, have to turn around twice to get back on track, drive past it because you're looking on the wrong side of the road, finally arrive and complete your errand, and have construction workers close the ramp to your next stop so you have to continue to the next exit to turn around and make your way back.  Quite an educational experience that would be.
 Oh, speaking of educational!  The church is having a new organ installed and our accompanist, after choir practice last night, gave us a tour of the pieces since they are strewn all over the sanctuary.  This particular organ has between 5,500 and 6,000 pipes, each having to be individually tuned and voiced.  The process could take as long as ten weeks.  So we saw all the different pieces that make an organ.

Real gold fears no fire.