May my life be a testimony
To who I am in You, to who You are in me.
Lord Jesus, may the ones I touch be touched by You,
Oh, may my life be a testimony.
May my life be a tribute to Your name,
May I seek first Your smile, not men's applause and fame,
Lord Jesus, if it means for You I suffer pain,
May I not fail to be a tribute to Your name.
May Our lives be a symphony of praise,
A song of hope and joy that fills our nights and days.
Oh, grant that we may never cease to always raise,
Oh, Lord to You a joyful symphony of praise.
May our lives be a mirror of Your grace,
Reflecting love that goes beyond all time and space,
Lord Jesus, may men see not us, but Your dear face,
Oh, may our lives be a mirror of Your grace.
May our lives be a testimony
To who we are in You, to who You are in us.
Lord Jesus, may the ones we touch be touched by You,
Oh, may our lives be a mirror, Lord, of You.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
It doesn't seem like I've been here five weeks, but tomorrow Elisa gets back, and the day after that I go home. Two weeks in I was just about ready to come home. That was not so good because I'm supposed to be here all of next year. But time just flew since then, and I can't wait for next year. Actually, I can wait. I have a lot of other things I can't wait for between now and next year. Among them, I hope, coming back here once or twice. Cheers.
Spero meliora.
Spero meliora.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
There was one week since I've been here that the hot water went out three times. The first time, I decided, you know what, I don't really need a shower this morning. The second time, I braved it. Later that day the subject came up at mealtime or something and Luc mentioned that he doesn't usually use hot water anyway because the cold water here is not really that cold compared to the cold water in Quebec. So the third time I thought maybe he was right and hot water's not all it's cracked up to be anyway. I found out it was, in fact, too cold, and told him so. But last week, after throwing the frisbee around for fifteen minutes and playing Ultimate for fifteen minutes, and having to come in and collapse because I could not stay out in the heat, and taking a cold shower and appreciating it, I had to admit that he was right in the first place. And I've been taking cold showers ever since.
Spero meliora.
Spero meliora.
Monday, July 17, 2006
How I found out there are two Adams going through law enforcement.
I called ALERT yesterday and punched in Adam's extension. It rings, someone picks up, and I hear, "Hello". (On the other end they claim he answered, "100 wing".) I was a little taken aback that I didn't get a rank and last name so instead of asking if Adam Bower was there I said, "Hi this is Anna, is Adam there?".
"Law enforcement, this is Adam."
"Well why didn't you answer with your name first off, dude?"
New voice, "Hello?" It's my Adam.
Spero meliora.
Spero meliora.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Spotlight on Heath
I've been saving this spotlight, perhaps because I wasn't sure all I wanted to say. Heath Jennings is the building manager and assistant director of the DTC. Ever since I first came here to work on staff, whether he was leading wisdom search or teaching me how to check in the Sysco order, Heath has reminded me of Dad. He sounds a lot like Dad and has a lot of the same mannerisms and speach patterns. He sounds not at all like a Texan (because he isn't, of course, he's from Kansas). He jokes and teases just like Dad too. He's the best.
Nunquam obliviscar.
Nunquam obliviscar.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Ah lazy Saturday that I've cleaned up all the maintenance dust in my new room, moved all my stuff, and cleaned my old room. Long story short two other girls need to stay in my room this week so I moved to a little room that was just redone (really, the shower rod was hung this morning). Maybe it seems like a lot of trouble for less than a week (!!!), but I really like the new room and it has a phone. In the room. Enough said.
Spero meliora.
Spero meliora.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Last night during kitchen clean-up, the girls found a roach on the wall between the ceiling and the refrigerator door. As soon as I saw it I reached out with a spatula and crushed it, just as they were in the middle of calling one of the boys over to dispense with it so they could enter the fridge. I don't think it was still alive, but, since it's legs were wiggling, I'm not sure it was quite dead yet either. To put it out of it's misery, Trevor scooped it up and threw it at two of the girls, who promptly made sure it was dead. And today is Thursday. Can you tell?
Spero meliora.
Spero meliora.
Five Worst Things
Fourth, fifth, and sixth floor
Bathtub drains
Pink cleaner
Vacuuming around chairs
Not getting any calls and having no deskwork when I have phones and can't leave my office
Spero meliora.
Spero meliora.
Seven Best Things
Servicing vacuums
Watering plants outside
Folding laundry
Clean sinks
The basement
Spero meliora.
Spero meliora.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
I don't have enough work to do. Well, I have enough work to do, I just don't have enough to give to two or three other girls. So I sent them to the kitchen. What in the world am I going to do tomorrow? At least having too much help is offset by not having a roommate. Oh yeah, the girl that was going to come on Monday who was going to have to stay in my room because there was no other place to put her...isn't coming. Not while I'm still here anyhow. I was willing to have a roommate. I was ready to have a roommate. I just...prefer not to right now. When I'm here as temporary staff, I don't mind at all because my roommate and I would have the same rules, guidelines, and privileges. Not so this time since I'm here as fill-in permanent staff and she would have been short-term. And now, no worries. Or rather, fewer.
Spero meliora.
Spero meliora.
Monday, July 10, 2006
I have noticed *warning: generalization* that while Baptists play songs much too slowly, Presbyterians tend to play somewhat too fast. It's not so bad; it just throws me off sometimes at the end of a line when I am used to a longer pause. But one of the things I really like about the church that the staff attends is the music, so I won't be complaining.
Two new staff girls came in today so I had to keep thinking of things for them to do, but I was glad for the help. After they went to help Jen in the kitchen at 4:00, I was putting towels in rooms that are to be occupied next week, or rather, trying to, because, grrr, I had to refold almost every one and, grrr, guest towels were mixed in with DTC towels and it was hot and stuffy upstairs and my back was hurting because I didn't have anything high enough to fold on. If there's one thing I do well here, it's fold towels. One of my favorite things is folding towels, and afterwards having bouncy stacks of clean, white, perfectly folded towels.
Long day, but it's all good because I got to play Ping Pong after supper with Luc. We're all trying to get as much Ping Pong as we can (until we're sick of it) before we have to put it away later this week. You should see me play. I get the luckiest shots sometimes. I played Josh an actual game on Sunday and only lost by three points. Anyway, Ping Pong is great. And so's volleyball. And badminton. And I bet tennis would be fun too...
Spero meliora.
Spero meliora.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Heidelberg Catechism, Question 1
What is your only comfort, in life and in death?
That I belong--body and soul, in life and in death--not to myself but to my faithful Savior, Jesus Christ, who at the cost of His own blood has fully paid for all my sins and has completely freed me from the dominion of the devil; that He protects me so well that without the will of my Father in heaven not a hair can fall from my head; indeed, that everything must fit His purpose for my salvation. Therefore, by His Holy Spirit, He also assures me of eternal life, and makes me wholeheartedly willing and ready from now on to live for Him.
Spero meliora.
Spero meliora.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
I changed my mind. Josh is really cool and he doesn't talk too much. We were talking over dinner last night about Pirates of the Caribbean's coming out that day and somehow Josh and Luc and I decided we wanted to go see it. Josh arranged for the three of us to take the lightrail across town and get a ride from the station to the theater. When we got there around 8, the 8:15 and 10:45 showings were already sold out. We had some difficulty getting there in the first place so we did not want to just say forget it so...we bought tickets for the 11 o'clock showing! We walked around the mall until it closed at nine, then went to Half Price Books. I almost didn't get into the movie when we got back (long story). When we finally got back to the training center it was 2 am. That might have been the most insane, spur-of-the-moment thing I've ever done, and it was the most fun I've had since the 4th of July.
Aut agere aut mori.
Aut agere aut mori.
Friday, July 07, 2006
Things are definitely picking up around here. It's still as quiet as ever, but I've been really busy the last few days. Today I updated the meal count, worked on the laundry schedule, readied rooms for some short-term staff and an overnight guest, walked through rooms to be used for event staff, placed towels, made gift baskets, printed keytags, and entered records of who is staying here this month. On Monday it will no longer be quiet. I will gain a roommate and the first wave of short-term staff will arrive. Oorah the weekend.
Spero meliora.
Spero meliora.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Spotlight on Trevor
Trevor Davies works in the warehouse for the seminar office. I like Trevor. He reminds me of Luke, except he's ten years older and not quite as good-hearted and generous. If someone gets shut in the fridge with the light out, it was probably Trevor. If someone gets whacked with something...Trevor. If someone's washing a mountain of dirty dishes before supper so clean-up afterwards won't take so long, it's Trevor. If someone breaks in in the wee hours of the morning and you don't want to disturb Mr. Bell or Heath because they need their sleep and if you wake them up you wake their wife up, call Trevor. He'll always be available to help...and tell you that he's glad you're leaving.
Spero meliora.
Spero meliora.
So here I am babysitting the phone again. Unlike last time, it has rung only once, and it was an inside call from Josh wanting to know if I would like some frappuccino since he'd made too much for himself. By the way, Josh is a great guy. I hardly notice that he talks too much. But anyway, since I haven't had to answer the phone and I finished all my desk work for now, I ended up getting into mischief. Yes, as you can see, I have no tagboard. Sorry about that. I am an idiot.
Spero meliora.
Spero meliora.
I've met some folks
Who say that I'm a dreamer
And I've no doubt
There's truth in what they say
But sure a body's bound to be a dreamer
When all the things he loves are far away
And precious things
Are dreams unto an exile
They take him o'er
The land across the sea
Especially when it happens he's an exile
From that dear lovely Isle of Inisfree
And when the moonlight
Peeps across the rooftops
Of this great city
Wondrous though it be
I scarcely feel its wonder or laughter
I'm once again back home in Inisfree
I wonder o'er green hills
Through dreamy valleys
And find a peace
No other land would know
I hear the birds make music fit for angels
And watch the rivers laughing
As they flow
And then into a humble shack I wander--
My dear old home--
And tenderly behold
The folks I love
Around the turf fire gathered
On bended knee
Their rosary is told
But dreams don't last
Though dreams are not forgotten
And soon I'm back
To stern reality
But though they pave
The footways here with gold dust
I still would choose
My Isle of Inisfree
Spero meliora.
Who say that I'm a dreamer
And I've no doubt
There's truth in what they say
But sure a body's bound to be a dreamer
When all the things he loves are far away
And precious things
Are dreams unto an exile
They take him o'er
The land across the sea
Especially when it happens he's an exile
From that dear lovely Isle of Inisfree
And when the moonlight
Peeps across the rooftops
Of this great city
Wondrous though it be
I scarcely feel its wonder or laughter
I'm once again back home in Inisfree
I wonder o'er green hills
Through dreamy valleys
And find a peace
No other land would know
I hear the birds make music fit for angels
And watch the rivers laughing
As they flow
And then into a humble shack I wander--
My dear old home--
And tenderly behold
The folks I love
Around the turf fire gathered
On bended knee
Their rosary is told
But dreams don't last
Though dreams are not forgotten
And soon I'm back
To stern reality
But though they pave
The footways here with gold dust
I still would choose
My Isle of Inisfree
Spero meliora.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
I just had the best 4th of July ever! Heath and Jen took Josh and Luc and me with them to an annual barbecue hosted by a family from their church. Highlights:
Good food. Amazing food really. Five beef briskets slow-cooked since ten o'clock the night before.
Great people. Real southern hospitality.
I got to wear shorts and go barefoot all day!
Ping Pong.
Holding a pet raccoon.
It wasn't too humid and there was cloud cover most of the day so it wasn't too hot.
Throwing the frisbee with Cody.
Learning that I like volleyball.
The Northeast Texas Symphony. They had a concert in the park and played Phantom and a medley of all the Star Trek music.
Picnic supper.
Texas-sized fireworks.
Climbing into the van, sweaty and filthy and smelling like a raccoon.
Hearing Jen say, "We're gonna be heathens Anna", as we returned to the training center still wearing shorts.
Stop for me; I'm a pedestrian.
Stop for me; I'm a pedestrian.
Monday, July 03, 2006
I got to spend the whole day yesterday with Adam. We went to church, came back and ate lunch, and played ping pong. He, of course, beat me, 21-13. But isn't that amazing? I got points! Mostly it was because he would mess up, not because of anything I did. I'm not good enough to get points on purpose. Then we took him to the train station and sent him off to Longview. Now I will not see him again until November. I drowned my sorrows in Rachel's 21st birthday party when we got back. It was the first birthday she's ever had away from home. My twenty-first birthday was also my first birthday to be away from home and I spent it here too. We had blah blah blah food for dinner and chocolate cake with berries and whipped cream for dessert. And that's what I'm having for breakfast tomorrow. Slainte.
Spero meliora.
Spero meliora.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Spotlight on Luc
Luc Maurais is here for the summer and I sometimes almost wish he wasn't. No, it is not because I do not like him. It is not because he speaks French. Neither is it because he could beat me at the quiet game. I sometimes, almost wish he wasn't here because he constantly reminds me that my brothers aren't here with me as he is with Rachel. Oh he doesn't say, "You know Anna, wouldn't it be great if your brothers were here?" No. I've never heard him string that many words English. His being such a good brother just makes me wish, even more than I already was, that mine could come down. Aside from that, he's pretty cool. It is true that I haven't watched that much ping pong, but he's the only person I've seen dive in ping pong as you would in Ultimate. Speaking of which, from the one game we've played since I've been here, I'd say he would be one of those people, along with Chris and Alex, that you do not throw past. So...Evan and John? Jump on your bicycles and get down here. Now.
Spero meliora.
Spero meliora.
Apparently, my bathroom is the new happenin' place for cockroaches to chill. Prior to this, I didn't think I had any feelings whatsoever about cockroaches. If I saw them in the basement or the kitchen I would kill them and go on with whatever else I was doing. Now I have discovered that I hate cockroaches, specifically the ones in my bathroom, especially when I have bare feet. I chased one around yesterday for five minutes before he came out of the corner enough that I could smash him. I killed his wives later as they were hunting for his dead corpse. Do not grieve, I buried them together.
Also yesterday, I finished Phantom of the Opera (which is an excellent book that someone should make into a movie), went to TGIF for dinner, played ping pong, and picked up Adam from the airport. Oh yeah, and I used up all the battery in my CD player...but Mr. Bell gave me another one. Close call, eh.
Spero meliora.
Spero meliora.
Friday, June 30, 2006
So Friday night at the TC usually involves doing something fun as a group. Tonight it involves me doing whatever I can find to do by myself because almost everyone went to a wedding and of the six people in the building four of them are married and will enjoy the quiet that the rest of the staff left behind for us. I could watch a movie, but I'd rather not by myself, so I'll read Phantom until I'm too scared to keep reading then listen to music. Wicked!
Spero meliora.
Spero meliora.
This afternoon I have the phones. That is, if anyone calls the training center, I answer the phone tell them the person they want to talk to is not here and may I transfer them to their voicemail. It's kind of fun, even though I don't always know what I'm doing and have to stay in one place all afternoon and have only a moth for company. I found him yesterday and decided to keep him as a pet and let him sit on my keyboard. I don't have to worry about feeding him or flying him or cleaning up after him because he is already dead. He does not yet have a name. I am accepting very good suggestions.
Spero meliora.
Spero meliora.
Spotlight on Rynelle, Bethany, and Rachel
Rynelle Emhof runs Pre-EXCEL and is training Bethany to take over next year. She is always saying things that she wishes she hadn't but we're glad she did. It makes life so much funnier. She could probably get away with anything as long as Mr. Bell gets to tease her about it.
Bethany Dodge has been here every time I've come to work on staff. She used to get into scrapes, and maybe still does, but never loses her sense of humor. And she always makes time to help out when someone has too much on their plate...figuratively speaking.
Rachel Maurais is the staff coordinator, is from Quebec, and does the best impressions of people. They are nothing like the originals, but are hilarious just the same. She has a knack for making trouble but not getting into it.
The three of them work in the same office, live in the same building, and eat at the same table. Yes, they are inseparable. And hilarity ensues.
Spero meliora.
Spero meliora.
Thursday, June 29, 2006

This is what happens when you put Rynelle and Bethany and Rachel in an enclosed space with something messy. We spent the afternoon priming a room that had some water damage from a leak. After ganging up on each other (with me watching from the sidelines), they decided I needed to join the club. Bethany said I was too clean, and didn't I know ATI colors are navy and white? We faced off for about twenty seconds with our rollers ready until she summoned enough daring to actually try to paint me, at which point I grabbed her roller and she grabbed the handle of my roller. For a couple of minutes we just stood there trying to get as much paint on each other possible while keeping it from ourselves and Bethany asking Rynelle for help and Rynelle saying she thought Bethany asked for it. Finally, I let got of her roller and planted my hand, dripping with paint, right on her face. And then, deciding it would be better to get myself than have her get me, slapped it on my own face. We finished painting with half an hour to clean up before dinner. I changed and got my hands all clean before I ran out of time and had to go down to supper with war paint still on my face. Mr. Bell said it was cute. Anyway, my face hurt after I got it all scrubbed off so that's not something I would purposely do the near future.
Nemo me impune lacessit.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
When I was here in the spring, the Bells found out that Mrs. Bell's mother, Mrs. Phares, had cancer. She made the decision not to treat it in any way since she was more than eighty years old and 22 years a widow. It was hard for me to hear when Mr. and Mrs. Bell shared with us. She died just a week after I came back and the memorial service was today. The staff all went and sat with the Bells as family. I started to get teary towards the middle and couldn't hold them back when the minister shared that her two little great-granddaughters had just finished reading Pilgrim's Progress and said she had crossed the dark river and was in the Celestial city when they heard about her being gone. This evening we had a nice family dinner with the Bells' kids and grandkids. Lydia, Chloe, Christian, and Ava are so much fun. I wished you all were with me today. I love you all.
Spero meliora.
Spero meliora.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Today was a good day because it was beautiful outside. Today was a good day because we had chicken fried steak for lunch. Today was a good day because I got to work in the kitchen most of the day. Today was a good day because two more short-term staff were recruited. Today was a good day because we played round robin and I had fun even though I've never played ping pong before in my life. The Lord liveth and blessed be my Rock and may the God of my salvation be exalted.
Spero meliora.
Spero meliora.
Last couple days in a nutshell: Saturday night we had a storm, complete with power outage, for all of five minutes. I must have rained all the humidity out of the air though, because, on the way to Chipotle from church, the thermometer in the car said 103ยบ and I didn't believe it because it felt so nice. So the weather's been really nice the last three days which almost makes up for the bad dream from this morning. Not a nightmare, just a disturbing, unsettling dream. And on the sidelines of this odd dream, I ate a child's food and weird Europeans drove little cars on the sidewalk. And there's a cricket in my office. No, that wasn't part of the dream.
Spero meliora.
Spero meliora.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
We went shopping yesterday afternoon and I totally wore myself out (I can't take a lot of shopping), but I had fun. Jess had one particular thing she was looking for so I went commando strike shopping with her. We covered all three levels of the Galleria in one hour. Success! Then we came back and had pizza for dinner and I took a nap before we went to see...Les Miserables! It was, of course, grand and amazing but, I do confess, I bookended it with Wicked. Yeah, so I had Dancing Through Life stuck in my head all morning. Mostly the part with Boq and Nessa. Last night it was I'm Not That Girl. And the whole first week it was For Good. Not that I'm complaining...
Spero meliora.
Spero meliora.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Last night was girls' movie night. We watched the new Pride & Prejudice, which was very good. It was true to the book and Kiera was not too irksome at all. We also had popcorn and cookies and got to wear alternative, or as Rachel likes to say, comfy clothes ( i.e. tank tops, jeans, and no shoes). I just have to say again, I really liked that movie. Maybe not as much as North & South, but close. Then this morning for brunch we had real waffles with real maple syrup and real whipped cream and real sausage. So pretty much it's a good weekend.
Spero meliora.
Spero meliora.
Friday, June 23, 2006
Spotlight on Jen
Jennifer Jennings is the kitchen manager. She's maybe 5'2", but she is definitely in charge. She's probably the person I can best relate to here in Dallas. We have a lot of the same thought processes. The other day I asked her what her favorite kitchen tool was and she answered, with no hesitation, "A knife and a cutting board. I can do anything with a good knife." Good knives are one of my top kitchen priorities. And then she asserted, "If someone gave me a bad knife, I'd shoot their head off." That's Jen.
Numquam non paratus.
Numquam non paratus.
I'm really looking forward to this weekend and hoping that I won't have as much of a Jonah day today as I had a Jonah night last night. I was waukrife all night, had weird dreams when I was asleep, and just had a lot of time to think about how everything in the world is bad. And I locked myself out of my room again this morning. And I still don't like my toothbrush. No I'm serious, it's huge, it's like brushing with a gorilla toothbrush. Anyway, I came down this morning a little early and was trying to think what I could do before breakfast and figured the best thing I could do was read my Bible some more. I'm a little behind in my reading through in a year so I've been trying to catch up a little at a time. Looking up what was next on the schedule, I landed smack on Jonah. So I read. Jonah said, "Why won't you just let me die?" Not very encouraging, eh? By tonight I'll be fine, but right now I'm just missing my brothers and being around people who know me. And I need a hug.
Sola virtus nobilitat.
Sola virtus nobilitat.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
I heard the best turn of phrase from Rachel Maurais last night: you couldn't hit an elephant in a corridor. I'm not sure if it's more her being from Canada or more from her first language being French, but I thought it was a much funnier mental picture than not being able to hit the broad side of a barn.
Sola virtus nobilitat.
Sola virtus nobilitat.
Spotlight on Josh
Josh Christopherson is the financial manager for the DTC. He reminds me a lot of Ryan...if Ryan talked as much as Jayson Heaton. But, all in all, he's not a bad guy. I maybe should learn to get along with him since I will be working with him all next year. I maybe should learn to tolerate, ignore, or tune out. Or maybe not. Where would the fun be in that?
Last night, around the dinner table, everyone pretty much stalling before we had to go clean the kitchen, I just cut loose. "Josh, you have this many words in a day. *hands indicating about twelve inches* You've used this many. *top hand moves down about two inches* You should maybe save the rest for something important." The whole table (there were 7 or 8 of us) was silent for about a minute. But Josh just can't be kept down for long. "Interesting. And who gets to decide how many words we get?"
"Those who have to listen to you."
And then we have a whole discussion on the rest of the talking rules while we clean the kitchen, ending with: "You know, they actually say there are a certain number of words people generally use in a day."
"Oh I know. I know you weren't just trying to be rude."
To which I say nothing.
Gang warily.
Gang warily.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Today is the first day since the break-in that I haven't locked myself out of my room. SOP is everyone leaves their key in their door so they don't have to carry it around. But since we had the prowler, Mr. Bell said everyone should probably take their key into their room, at least at night. So I pull my key in at night...and forget that I did three mornings in a row and let the door shut behind me. Oh well, we'll see if that keeps up.
p.s. Over the Hedge, according to Adam Bell, is "absolutely hysterical".
You don't have to be crazy to work here. We'll train you.
You don't have to be crazy to work here. We'll train you.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Check it out. I figured out how to add links to my sidebar. Don't tell me there's an easy way to do this because I did it the hard way and if there was an easy way that would be kind of dumb. So click on the links and find out what I do with my time on the internet. S'pretty sweet, eh.
In ardua petit.
In ardua petit.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Six Pearls
One pearl for a lady with heart wide and loving
Who never denies an embrace
One pearl for the skill that the whole hall is toasting
Accomplishments gone without trace
One pearl like the moonrise eclipsed by her sunlight
Still warm even burdened with care
For one who would carry the needs of the people
One pearl for the strength of the bear
One pearl for the valour of one who steps forward
When all others feel it's too much
To show by example what it means to be noble
One pearl for her labours of love
Who never denies an embrace
One pearl for the skill that the whole hall is toasting
Accomplishments gone without trace
One pearl like the moonrise eclipsed by her sunlight
Still warm even burdened with care
For one who would carry the needs of the people
One pearl for the strength of the bear
One pearl for the valour of one who steps forward
When all others feel it's too much
To show by example what it means to be noble
One pearl for her labours of love
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